Getting Started
The Handle
Try holding the 3D Build & Play in different orientations if you find it difficult to get into tight spaces.
Character Mold Trays
For a consistent flow of plastic, try to turn the handle at a steady pace as you fill the molds.
Assemble Characters
You can add detail to your Doodle by Doodling with the mold open. This will allow you to have more precise control.
Snipping Ends
Tips & Tricks
- For a consistent flow of plastic, turn the Handle/Crank at a steady pace.
- You can add detail to your doodle by doodling with the mold open. This will allow you to have more precise control.
- Try holding the Build and Play in different orientations if you find it difficult to get into tight spaces.
- If you are having trouble filling in hard to reach areas, try adjusting the angle of the tip of the Build and Play. You can also open the mold and fill in that area directly.