STEM: Doodle-Line-Puzzlers (Continuous Line Drawings)

Time Required: Two 45-60 minute session
Skill Level: Beginner
Recommended Grades: 3rd to 5th

In this lesson, students will work to try and solve 3 levels of continuous line puzzlers as stencils, then trace over the same path using a 3Doodler. Students will use problem-solving skills to trace a path in one continuous line. They may cross over other lines, but can never follow along the same line twice. Each puzzler shape builds on the previous one. Students will determine patterns based on the perimeter of these shapes in order to design a puzzler for level 4, continuing an established pattern and determining where to place additional blocks.

*This problem-solving challenge offers students practice in drawing lines and filling areas with the 3Doodler.

Note: Any links outside of are optional resources. We can’t ensure their upkeep or accuracy.

Lesson Plan


Step 1

Whole group: Project your tablet or computer screen on the board and allow the students to view Level One of the Doodle-Line-Puzzlers Worksheet.

Step 2

Share the goal: Beginning at START, draw a line through the Level One path in one continuous line without moving along the same line twice. You may cross over lines, however. You should end at FINISH.

Step 3

Explain the purpose of the arrows. Wherever an arrow ends, the students must determine whether to turn left or right. If an arrow goes all the way to the end of a line, the student may trace the path to the end of that line. See the Math with 3Doodler Video for solutions.

Step 4

Hand out pencils and the Doodle-Line-Puzzlers Worksheets. Have students solve Level One.

Step 5

After a student has solved the puzzle, give him or her a 3Doodler to trace over the same solution in one continuous line.

Step 6

After solving and doodling Levels 1-3, ask students whether they note any types of patterns related to the perimeter of each level's shape.

*The perimeter increases by 4 with each Puzzler, beginning with Level 1: 8, Level 2: 12, Level 3: 16...

Step 7

Challenge students to determine the perimeter for Level 4. What will the shape look like?

*The perimeter of Level 4 will be 20.

Step 8

Instruct student to sketch each level's shape on graph paper.

*See Appendix

Using the same shape from Level 3, have students determine where to place extra blocks in order to increase the perimeter from 16 to 20.

Step 9

Once students have correctly drafted Level 4, challenge them to draw a continuous path to solve.

Wrap Up

Have students outline and fill their Level 4 Puzzler using 4 different colors. No two colors should be adjacent to one another. For intermediate students, discuss the shape and perimeter of their Level 4 Doodle-Puzzlers. Did they all end up with the same shape? Share solutions to continuous Doodle-Puzzlers on Twitter. #3DoodlerEDU @3Doodler


The teacher will assess the students by evaluating their ability to solve each Doodle-Puzzler, recognize patterns related to the direction of the path and the perimeter of each shape.

Possible Extensions

Continue Doodler-Puzzlers for Level 5-10.


  • continuous line - A line that does not break or end.

  • lines - (plural) an infinite extent which is one-dimensional and straight.

  • parallel - (of lines, planes, surfaces, or objects) side by side and having the same distance continuously between them.

  • patterns - (plural) a repeated decorative design.

  • perimeter - the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure.

  • perpendicular - being at right angles to a given line or plane.

  • problem-solving - the process or act of finding a solution to a problem.

  • shapes - the quality of a distinct object or body in having an external surface or outline of specific form or figure.

Educational Standards

Common Core

Look for and make use of structure.

In This Lesson

Students will identify patterns to solve puzzlers.

Next Gen Science

Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

In This Lesson

Students will attempt different solutions to the puzzlers and identify which puzzlers meet the criteria and constraints.

Next Gen Science

Different solutions need to be tested in order to determine which of them best solves the problem, given the criteria and the constraints.

In This Lesson

Students will attempt different solutions to the puzzlers and identify which puzzlers meet the criteria and constraints.

CS Teachers

Decompose (break down) a larger problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently.

In This Lesson

Students will break down the process of solving the puzzlers by testing and comparing different solutions.


Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

In This Lesson

Students will use a 3Doodler to create tactile models of puzzlers.


Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

In This Lesson

Students will interpret solutions to puzzlers as concrete models with the 3Doodler.


Use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.

In This Lesson

Students will work with a partner and peers throughout the design, discussion and solution processes.

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