Doodled Story Stone Soup

Time Required: One 45-minute sessions
Skill Level: Beginner
Recommended Grades: K to 2nd

In this lesson, students will work with a partner to doodle 4 different story stones with nouns. Students will use these story stones as writing prompts, incorporating them into a simple story with a beginning, middle, and end.

Note: Any links outside of are optional resources. We can’t ensure their upkeep or accuracy.

Lesson Plan


Step 1

Whole group: Read the folktale Stone Soup with students.

Step 2

Discuss how a wonderfully, delicious pot of soup was collaboratively created from each villager's contribution. Compare this event to the act of writing of a story, and how it is a collaborative experience that brings forth the best creative contributions of each group member.

Step 3

Share the goal: Students will work in groups of 4 to doodle the image 1-noun on a stone. Then the students will write a story together using each of their 4 story-stones in their group's story.

Step 4

Review nouns as a person, place or thing. Have students brainstorm a list of interesting nouns, e.g., a castle, fish, tree, apple, etc.

Step 5

Model how to doodle a simple drawing of a noun onto the flat face of a stone. Remind students that simpler is better. Note how to affix the doodle back onto the stone if it falls off by welding it on with warm plastic. Have students select 4 nouns and doodle 4 related story-stones.

Step 6

Project your tablet or computer screen on the board for students to view the Doodle Story Stone Template. Model how to fill in the template using the 4 story-stones as elements of the story.

*Note that stories should have some sort of problem. In the example given, the fish is hungry. See the example in the Doodle Story Stone Template.

Step 7

Demonstrate how to title, share with group members and teacher, and write collaboratively on the Doodle Story Stone Template.

*Alternatively, the template may be printed to fill in with a pencil.

Step 8

Hand out 4 stones and 3Doodlers to each group. Have them discuss and then doodle the images of nouns on each of their stones.

*They may refer to the brainstorm list.

Step 9

Instruct groups to discuss possible ideas for a story that includes all 4 of their story-stone nouns. Have students share their story ideas with you before handing out computers. Assist and guide.

Step 10

Hand out computers for students to work on a story together. Since 4 students may write at the same time, students may split up the writing with one student working on each part.

*Assign a different color font for each student to check their work.

Wrap Up

Have each group share their doodled Story Stones and read their stories aloud to the class. Share doodled story-stones on Twitter! @3Doodler #3DoodlerEDU *Optional: Have peers suggest revisions.


The teacher will assess the students level of comprehension based on story-stones and stories.

Possible Extensions

Students will peel nouns off of their story stones and doodle a new set of nouns for another story. Students will swap story stones from other groups to write a new story.


  • creative thinking - a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh and imaginative perspective.

  • design - to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans (for a work to be executed), especially to plan the form and structure of an object, building, bridge, etc...

  • drawing - the art or technique of representing an object or outlining a figure, plan, or sketch by means of lines.

  • grammar - the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in a sentence.

  • language arts - the subjects (such as reading, spelling, literature, and composition) that aim at developing the student's comprehension and capacity for use of written and oral language.

  • literacy - the quality or state of being literate.

  • nouns - any member of a class of words that can function as the main or only elements of subjects of verbs (A dog just barked), or of objects of verbs or prepositions (to send money from home), and that in English can take plural forms and possessive endings (Three of his buddies want to borrow John's laptop). Nouns are often described as referring to persons, places, things, states, or qualities, and the word noun is itself often used as an attributive modifier, as in noun compound; noun group.

  • problem-solving - the process or act of finding a solution to a problem.

  • reading - the form or version of a given passage in a particular text.

  • sight words - commonly used words that young children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognize these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode.

  • vocabulary - the stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons.

  • writing - any written or printed paper, as a document or deed.

Educational Standards

Common Core

With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

In This Lesson

Students will use a 3Doodler to doodle the image of a noun on a story stone. The story-stone that will be used in a collaborative story.

Common Core

Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.

In This Lesson

Students' group stories will incorporate a logical sequence of events, i.e., first, next, then and last.

CS Teachers

Decompose (break down) a larger problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently.

In This Lesson

Students will break down the process of writing a collaborative story using a 3Doodler, nouns and a story template.


Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

In This Lesson

Students will use a 3Doodler to create a tactile model of story-nouns.


Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

In This Lesson

Students will doodle story-stones to be used in a collaborative writing piece.


Use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.

In This Lesson

Students will confer with a partner and whole group throughout this activity.

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