STEM: Doodle-Hockey (Engineering Challenge)
In this lesson, students use the 3Doodler to design a template and doodle the optimal hockey stick, using shafts of different lengths and blades of various shapes. Students will test their hockey sticks out on the ice to see which stick can shoot a puck the farthest and with the most accuracy through a goal.

Students have
had experience using the 3Doodler to doodle lines, fill and welding.
had practice measuring in inches with a ruler.
viewed videos or discussed the game of hockey and how it's played.
had experience using the 3Doodler to doodle lines, fill and welding.
had practice measuring in inches with a ruler.
viewed videos or discussed the game of hockey and how it's played.
Students will
design a stencil for a hockey stick.
doodle a hockey stick.
test their hockey stick for distance and accuracy on the ice.
improve their hockey stick design.
retest their hockey stick on the ice.
discuss their observations with the whole group.
design a stencil for a hockey stick.
doodle a hockey stick.
test their hockey stick for distance and accuracy on the ice.
improve their hockey stick design.
retest their hockey stick on the ice.
discuss their observations with the whole group.
Students will need
3Doodler (1 per pair)
Legos (enough for a pair of students to design a hockey goal/arch.
shallow cooking sheet (1 per pair)
water (about 2 cups per pair)
bottle cap (1 per pair)
ruler (1 per pair)
Hockey Stick Stencil Sheet (1 per pair)
3Doodler (1 per pair)
Legos (enough for a pair of students to design a hockey goal/arch.
shallow cooking sheet (1 per pair)
water (about 2 cups per pair)
bottle cap (1 per pair)
ruler (1 per pair)
Hockey Stick Stencil Sheet (1 per pair)
Lesson Plan
A) Prepare a frozen sheet of water for each pair of about 2 inches thick.
B) Bring in a hockey stick or have a picture on hand to familiarize students with its design.
Step 2
Call students to whole group discussion. Share the goal: Students will design a new hockey stick that will:
A) shoot the farthest across the ice, and
B) land a puck with the greatest accuracy in a goal.
Step 3
Show students the original hockey stick design. Review the parts, i.e., shaft and blade. Ask how the shaft and blade could be redesigned, i.e., lengthen or shorten the shaft and change the shape of the blade.
Step 4
Show students the ice arena: A frozen tray of water. Demonstrate how to use a bottle top as a puck, sliding it across the ice with a finger.
Step 5
Draw lines of different lengths on the board. Ask students to predict which length line will work best as a shaft (longest, shortest, or medium)? Students should explain their reasoning.
Step 6
Draw a rounded, square and triangular-tipped blade on the board. Ask students to predict which blade will shoot the farthest or with the greatest accuracy, and why. Students should explain their thinking.
Step 7
Model how to draw a stencil for a hockey stick using the Hockey Stick Stencil Sheet. Instruct students to select a shaft and blade. Demonstrate how to doodle and then weld the two shapes together.
*Students will need to reinforce the longer shafts with a second layer of plastic.
Step 8
Divide students into pairs and hand out the 3Doodlers and Hockey Stick Stencil Sheets. Circle to assist and assess as they work.
Step 9
After the students have doodled their hockey sticks, demonstrate how to build the goal with Legos. Allow students time to construct their goal and set it out on the ice.
Step 10
As students play, circle to assist and assess. Instruct students to move the goal closer and further away from the hockey stick.
Ask the students the following questions:
A) What is the optimal distance to get the puck in the goal?
B) How far can your stick shoot the puck?
Have students use rulers to measure.
A) Prepare a frozen sheet of water for each pair of about 2 inches thick.
B) Bring in a hockey stick or have a picture on hand to familiarize students with its design.
Call students to whole group discussion. Share the goal: Students will design a new hockey stick that will:
A) shoot the farthest across the ice, and
B) land a puck with the greatest accuracy in a goal.
Show students the original hockey stick design. Review the parts, i.e., shaft and blade. Ask how the shaft and blade could be redesigned, i.e., lengthen or shorten the shaft and change the shape of the blade.
Show students the ice arena: A frozen tray of water. Demonstrate how to use a bottle top as a puck, sliding it across the ice with a finger.
Draw lines of different lengths on the board. Ask students to predict which length line will work best as a shaft (longest, shortest, or medium)? Students should explain their reasoning.
Draw a rounded, square and triangular-tipped blade on the board. Ask students to predict which blade will shoot the farthest or with the greatest accuracy, and why. Students should explain their thinking.
Model how to draw a stencil for a hockey stick using the Hockey Stick Stencil Sheet. Instruct students to select a shaft and blade. Demonstrate how to doodle and then weld the two shapes together.
*Students will need to reinforce the longer shafts with a second layer of plastic.
Divide students into pairs and hand out the 3Doodlers and Hockey Stick Stencil Sheets. Circle to assist and assess as they work.
After the students have doodled their hockey sticks, demonstrate how to build the goal with Legos. Allow students time to construct their goal and set it out on the ice.
As students play, circle to assist and assess. Instruct students to move the goal closer and further away from the hockey stick.
Ask the students the following questions:
A) What is the optimal distance to get the puck in the goal?
B) How far can your stick shoot the puck?
Have students use rulers to measure.
Wrap Up
Possible Extensions
analyze - examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
angles - the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
collaboration - to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor.
conclusion - a judgment or decision reached by reasoning.
construction - the building of something, typically a large structure.
data - factual information (such as measurements or statistics) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation.
design - to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans (for a work to be executed), especially to plan the form and structure of an object, building, bridge, etc...
engineering - the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and chemical plants.
force - strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.
hypothesis - a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
lines - (plural) an infinite extent which is one-dimensional and straight.
measurement - the act or process of measuring; a figure, extent, or amount obtained by measuring.
observation - an act or instance of noticing or perceiving.
problem-solving - the process or act of finding a solution to a problem.
push - exert force on (someone or something), typically with one's hand, in order to move them away from oneself or the origin of the force.
stability - the state of being stable.
STEM - science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, considered as a group of academic or career fields.
synthesize - combine (a number of things) into a coherent whole.
Educational Standards
Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade level topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Students will discuss how to construct the best design for a hockey stick, considering the length and shape of the stick.
Build on others' talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others.
Students will build on the talk of others during whole group and partner work throughout this project.
Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.
Students will measure the length that the puck travels on the ice, as well as the optimal distance to position the goal on the ice for shooting the puck with accuracy.
Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object.
Students will design different blades and shafts for hockey sticks, test them out, improve them and retest them.
Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull.*
Students will observe and test the outcomes of different shaped blades and different length shafts on the distance and accuracy of a hockey stick.
Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.
Students will design a stencil and doodle a hockey stick to shoot the puck the farthest and with the greatest accuracy.
Analyze to determine if a design solution works to change the speed or direction of an object with a push or a pull.
Students will analyze the two design criteria (shooting for distance, and
shooting for accuracy) and then create a hockey stick that can accomplish these two goals.
Decompose (break down) a larger problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently.
Students will break down the process of creating the best hockey stick through the designing, modeling, testing, improving and retesting phases of this activity.
Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Students will use a 3Doodler to design a new hockey stick that meets design criteria.
Create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
Students will construct an original design and then a 3D model of a hockey stick.
Use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
Students will work with a partner and peers throughout doodling, problem solving and creation process.