Paper bird sitting on table - 3D pen art. | 3D Pen Tutorial

Origami Crane

  • Minutes
  • Beginner
Let's study geometric shapes and explore spatial visualization by making origami in 3D! This step-by-step guide will make you an expert on creating a Doodled Origami Crane.
Specifically designed for 3Doodler Create+ Logo PNG

1 Start With The Stencil

Print the stencil, and use your DoodlePad or place tape over the stencil to keep the plastic from sticking to the paper. Outline the stencil using Gold filament.

Cornela's Tip: You can always make your own stencil, or create your own pattern instead of the one on this stencil. You can use whatever colors you like, or make the crane one solid color as well!

2 Color Inside The Lines

Start to fill in areas with different colors.

Start with the bright or lighter colors, and then switch to darker colors. The color change from bright to dark in the pen is much shorter than from dark to bright!

To make the design of your crane as neat as possible, it's essential that your Doodling is very even. Use the "Slow" mode to get the most control.

3 Assembly Lines

Begin assembly using the Gold, or whichever color you used for the outline of the stencil. Start by turning the first pentagon face down, one set of neck and tail pieces, and one set of inner body pieces.

Connect the long edges of the head pieces to form the crane's head.

Add the neck and tail to the inner body parts.
Add the inner body parts to the pentagon.
Add the head onto the neck, then add the other neck piece.
Complete the tail with the second tail part.

Add the inner body parts to the completed neck and tail, then add the last pentagon on top to complete the body.

You can use the hot air gun or hair dryer to flatten the crane at this point. We'll blow it up to its nice 3D shape later on.

4 Heating Things Up

Use the hot air gun or hair dryer to gently warm the whole body. Slowly and gently start to shape the crane by enlarging hollow space inside the inner body to give it more of a 3-dimensional look.

5 Take Wing

Using the hair dryer or hot air gun, shape the tail and wings for the final look.


Your very own Doodled Origami Crane is now complete!