Compound Words

Time Required: Two 45-minute sessions
Skill Level: Beginner
Recommended Grades: K to 2nd

In this lesson, students will work with a partner to put together words that create compound words. Each partner will then create a stencil to illustrate one of the words in the compound word and doodle it. Partners will weld their doodles together to create compound word doodles! This is a tactile and memorable way to understand and remember compound words.

Note: Any links outside of the3doodler.com are optional resources. We can’t ensure their upkeep or accuracy.

Lesson Plan


Step 1

Whole group: Project your tablet or computer screen on the board to share the following words: sunflower, jellyfish, football, toothbrush, fingernail, moonlight, rainbow, and pancake. Review what makes these compound words.

Step 2

Discuss the meaning of each compound word. Use an online or real world dictionary. Have students help you look up the meaning of each compound word.

Step 3

Break each compound word into two words. Compare and contrast the definition of the compound word to the meaning of each individual word comprising it. Note the differences.

Step 4

Project the Doodle Compound Word Match Worksheet on the board.

a) Instruct students to complete this activity by doodling a line to match each set of compound words.
b) Draw a stencil of each word on the left and right side of the table.
c) Doodle each stencil.
d) Weld stencils together.

Step 5

Note that Partner #1 will fill in the left side of each table on the Doodle Compound Word Match Worksheet. Partner #1 will complete the right side of the each table. Partners will work together to weld each part of a compound word together to create a compound-doodle.

Step 6

Model how to match one set of words. Draw a stencil for each. Doodle them. Weld them together. Each set of partners should end up with 8 compound-doodles.

Step 7

Hand out one Doodle Compound Word Match Worksheet to each set of partners, along with a 3Doodler to share.

Step 8

Circle to assist and assess.

Wrap Up

Have students share their doodle-compound words. Take digital images of student's compound-doodles. Share compound-doodles on Twitter. @3Doodler #3DoodlerEDU


The teacher will assess the students' work by informal observation during the discussion, as well as by reviewing the stencils and doodles created by each pair.

Possible Extensions

Students create a compound doodle dictionary, defining the meaning of the compound word, along with the individual meaning of each word within a compound word, and a digital image of their compound-doodles. Students create nonsense compound doodles out of nouns and create an original meaning. Example: onion + foot = onionfoot; Meaning: a kind of flower that smells awful!


  • compound words - a word composed of two or more words that create a new word when combined. Examples include pancake, two-tone and school bus.

  • creative thinking - a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh and imaginative perspective.

  • definition - the meaning of a word, phrase, etc...

  • design - to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans (for a work to be executed), especially to plan the form and structure of an object, building, bridge, etc...

  • language arts - the subjects (such as reading, spelling, literature, and composition) that aim at developing the student's comprehension and capacity for use of written and oral language.

  • literacy - the quality or state of being literate.

  • problem-solving - the process or act of finding a solution to a problem.

  • reading - the form or version of a given passage in a particular text.

  • sight words - commonly used words that young children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognize these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode.

  • spelling - the manner in which words are spelled.

  • vocabulary - the stock of words used by or known to a particular people or group of persons.

Educational Standards

Common Core

Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark).

In This Lesson

Students will recognize, compare and contrast the meaning of individual words in a compound word, along with the meaning of the compound word itself.

Common Core

Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases.

In This Lesson

Students will work along with the teacher to look up the meaning of compound words used in this lesson, i.e., sunflower, jellyfish, football, toothbrush, fingernail, moonlight, rainbow, pancake.

CS Teachers

Decompose (break down) a larger problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently.

In This Lesson

Students will break down the process of understanding compound words through a creative operation of designing, doodling, and welding.


Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

In This Lesson

Students will use a 3Doodler to create a tactile model of compound words, i.e., sunflower, jellyfish, football, toothbrush, fingernail, moonlight, rainbow, and pancake.


Use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.

In This Lesson

Students will confer with a partner and whole group throughout this activity.

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