Bring Summer Reading to Life in 3D

Did you know that summer reading often promotes academic achievement more effectively than summer school does?

Books provide a great summer escape, and reading develops students’ comprehension and their ability to retain information. Research suggests that learners who read over summer break show a significantly higher level of literacy and academic gains. This same study shows that the progress made by summer readers is equal to, and sometimes even greater than, the achievements made in summer school!

As school comes to a close and summer weather heats up, students might be reluctant to pick up a book. So, how can parents and teachers get learners excited about their summer reading list?

Dioramas are impactful projects that support student creativity and imagination, as well as enhance learning. The process of creating a diorama supports three dimensional thinking, hands on learning, creative problem solving, and artistic expression. Learners must use critical thinking skills to pick a scene from a book, plan their project, then bring their ideas to life in 3D.

In short, dioramas are a surefire way to bring fun, creativity, and enhanced learning to the summer reading list. Just share these easy steps below so learners can bring their favorite summer read to the third dimension.

3Doodler Summer Reading Design ChallengeA diorama activity for all grades!


Now it’s time to make your diorama

The featured diorama is based on Animal Farm
  • Farm and animal 3D pen art on card.
  • Tabletop 3D pen art: cute fake animal creations.
  • 3D pen art featuring farm animals on grass
  • 3D cake with cow atop - 3D pen art
  • 3D pen pigs in plastic house
  1. Read a book from your summer reading list.
  2. Choose a scene from the story that you want to bring to life.
  3. Integrate at least five aspects of the scene you selected into the design.
  4. Next, plan your design. Brainstorm how your figures and scene props will look, and how you will include them. Sketch a draft to help you visualize the outcome.
  5. Use the 3Doodler pen along with upcycled materials to create a scene based on the sketches you came up with.
  6. Once your diorama is complete, share it on social media!

You can browse our free stencils for figurines, chairs, trees, cars, and other items you may want to include in your project.

We can’t wait to see reading come to life in 3D! Share your projects on twitter, instagram, or facebook, and be sure to tag @3Doodler.

#3Doodler #3DoodlerEDU #SummerReading #WhatWillYouCreate

The featured diorama is based on one of our favorite summer reads, Animal Farm, by George Orwell.